OCD Algorithms

To execute an OCD algorithm, you first need to choose a network. For this, you can click on the Networks or Community Detection buttons from the navbar and then on the desired network name. From the page of the specific network, click on the Run OCD Algorithm tab as shown below.

Here you need to choose the name of the cover that will be generated as a result of the algorithm execution and the algorithm you want to execute.

Below you can see the execution of Detect Overlapping Community Detection algorithm on the network generated from an LFR benchmark.


Description: fter selecting the algorithm, we need to choose the input parameters for the algorithm. In this case, we choose to set the only input parameter overlappingThrehold to 0.5. We also choose a descriptive name, for the cover, based on the input parameter for later reference. Clicking the   run-btn   button executes the algorithm. As always, this leads us to the Network Analysis page, where all the executing algorithms are displayed. Once we refresh and see that the algorithm execution is complete, we go to the Community Detection page. Here we select our freshly created cover and display it in a 2D interactive format.